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Educate. Innovate. Collaborate.

That’s what you came to the HIMSS conference for, and also what you need in a technology partner and community. As you learn what it takes to be the change at this event, take a minute to ensure you have the services and solutions that will help you get there.


Event Details / Thank You Message

Date: Monday, January 1 - Sunday, December 31st, 2020
Time: 9am - 5pm
Location: Key Arena, Seattle, WA
Description: Join over 300 marketers for a 365 day workshop in Marketo!

Netsmart invites you to stop by the Netsmart Cafe for your daily dose of caffeine! We will be serving complimentary espresso beverages on Sunday and Monday.

Mellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada famesac turpis egestas. Ut non enim eleifend felis pretium feugiat.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.



Connection can empower ideas, action and improvement. When people rely on you to help them with their health, they want a listening ear, a plan that works and considers support they get in other places. All in a way that looks at how they live, work and play. That’s why providers need a comprehensive platform that empowers them to optimize every facet of the care and services they deliver. And the organizations they work for need the technology to look at clinical, operational, administrative and financial information to manage resources and make decisions that focus on one thing: better care. Discover more about integrated care and how the Netsmart CareFabric platform can help you achieve it. From EHRs to tools that help with workforce, value-based care, strategic services, care administration, and population health – get the education you need to set your business up for success so the care you deliver each day makes the impact you intended in a way that works for your staff.


Innovation succeeds when it’s viewed as the responsibility of the many rather than the domain of the few.

At Netsmart, we believe innovation happens when everyone – technology professionals, healthcare providers, doctors, nurses, government leaders and consumers – works together to make healthcare better and more affordable. Our clients are innovators and we constantly collaborate with them to recognize new opportunities and develop new technology solutions.

Section 2: Down the Rabbit Hole

Save time

Increase staff satisfaction with 20% reduction in time spent on billing

Save time

Increase staff satisfaction with 20% reduction in time spent on billing

Save time

Increase staff satisfaction with 20% reduction in time spent on billing

Visit Us There: We Can Start Change, Together

If you’re in-person or virtual, plan to connect with peers, experts and topics that fulfill you:

Interoperability Showcase
Tues - Thurs, 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Hear stories from a variety of companies as they demonstrate how care transitions for COVID-19 patients and mental health and pain management practices have produced positive results.

Afternoon Break
Tuesday, Aug 10, 3:00 – 5:30 p.m.

A Case Study: Leveraging AI and Population Health in a Value-Based World
Learn culture changes needed to move from fee-for-service to a value-based care approach. See how Missouri's machine learning pilot program helped predict if a patient is at risk of being hospitalized.

Limited seating, registration required. Session will include a 60 minute presentation followed by a networking reception with food and beverages.

Meet n’ greet

Drop in anytime to meet your favorite Netsmart peer, expert or get to know someone new. Ask questions and share ideas on solutions that may help you with things that keep you awake at night.

If you’d like to meet with us in person at HIMSS, click here to request a meeting.

Did we miss you?

That’s ok – we are here when it's good for you. Reach us at 1.800.472.5509 anytime.


“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller’s words are a great reminder that to be the change needed in healthcare, it will take a village. The Netsmart family includes more than 680,000 users in 30,000+ organizations across the U.S. and touches almost every role across post-acute and human services communities. User groups, dedicated solution consultants, education and awareness campaigns, peer sharing – it all exists for you to learn from people in your shoes and apply mission-meeting practices. Plus a tech partner that fits services, solutions and workflows to your needs vs. asking you to fit theirs.


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Let’s be the change, together.

As you educate, innovate and collaborate this week at HIMSS, be sure to connect with a Netsmart associate or client. We'll be there hosting practice sharing sessions, listening to client presentations and available for questions. No matter what's on your mind, let's chat. You never know when something simple or personal can become powerful. See you there!


Managing care for co-occurring conditions

A faster, more streamlined referral process


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Let’s be the change, together.

As you educate, innovate and collaborate this week at HIMSS, be sure to connect with a Netsmart associate or client. We'll be there hosting practice sharing sessions, listening to client presentations and available for questions. No matter what's on your mind, let's chat. You never know when something simple or personal can become powerful. See you there!

One Person. One View. Better Care.

The comprehensive EHR: myEvolv

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Educate. Innovate. Collaborate.

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